Some Cirque trackpads came in, so time to give my Kimiko from Keycapsss an upgrade and while I’m at it also replace its microcontroller.

This board was using an Elite-C microcontroller, but as with all Atmega32u4, when you enable enough RGB modes and enable the OLED display, it is going to have storage problems. So I am replacing those with a couple of SparkFun’s Pro Micro RP2040, these use the same pinout as the Elite-C, but are missing the bottom row of pins. Since those weren’t used with this keyboard anyway, that is not gonna be a problem.

The Elite-C has a power supply of 5V, since this build uses SK6812 Mini-E RGB leds we need to add a bodge wire to supply them with the raw 5V from the RP2040 instead of the usual 3.3V.

Note that I did accidently add some solder to the 3V3 pin on the microcontroller, but that one is actually not connected.

And then I added the trackpad following the guide of Keycapsss.

Since the trackpad is connected to the OLED I2C pins using @bom_tarnes small converter pcb and the board is now supplied with 5V, I removed Resistors R1 (for I2C), R7 and R8 (for 5V) from the trackpad. By default the trackpad is configured for SPI and 3V.

To enable the trackpad in QMK I added to

POINTING_DEVICE_DRIVER = cirque_pinnacle_i2c

and to config.h:


Which also enables tap and circular scroll mode.

I also had to add the following to for the RP2040:


And this is the result!